ZonFoods Privacy & Data Policy

Last Updated: November 7, 2021

ZonFoods Privacy Notice

I. Introduction
When you use ZonFoods, you trust us with your personal data. We’re committed to keeping that trust. That starts with helping you understand our privacy practices.

This notice describes the personal data we collect, how it’s used and shared, and your choices regarding this data. We recommend that you read this along with our privacy overview, which highlights key points about our
privacy practices.

II. Overview
A. Scope
This notice applies to users of ZonFoods’s services anywhere in the world, including users of ZonFoods’s apps, websites, features, or other services.

This notice describes how ZonFoods and its affiliates collect and use personal data. This notice applies to all users of our apps, websites, features, or other services anywhere in the world.

This notice specifically applies to:

Delivery recipients: individuals who request or receive foods and Grocery, or other products and services via ZonFoods
Delivery persons: individuals who provide delivery services via ZonFoods
This notice also governs ZonFoods’s other collections of personal data in connection with its services. For example, we may collect the contact information of individuals who use accounts Like ZonPartners or other merchants;
personal data of those who start but do not complete applications to be drivers or delivery persons.

All those subject to this notice are referred to as “users” in this notice.

For Guest Users: The personal data of those who order on ZonFoods or get deliveries via partner websites or apps (such as when ordering from a Zoncookers, ZonGrocers or other merchant), or arranged by other account owners
(collectively “Guest Users”) is used solely to provide such  deliveries, or other services requested through a third party, and for purposes of safety and security, customer support, research and development, enabling communication
between users, and in connection with legal proceedings and requirements, each as described in “How we use personal data” below. Guest User personal data may be shared with third parties for these purposes. Such data may be associated
with, and accessible by, the owner of that account. This specifically includes Guest Users who receive deliveries ordered by owners of ZonFoods, or who receive  deliveries ordered by friends, family members or others.
To submit questions, comments or complaints regarding Guest User data, or to submit requests regarding such data, please contact us via data.management@zonfoodsllc.com
Our practices are subject to applicable laws in the places in which we operate. This means that we engage in the practices described in this notice in a particular country or region only if permitted under the laws of those places.
Please contact us here or through the addresses below with any questions regarding our practices in a particular country or region.

B. Data controller and transfer
ZonFoods LLC is the data controller for the personal data collected in connection with use of ZonFoods’s services in USA.
Questions, comments, and complaints about ZonFoods’s data practices can be submitted via data.management@zonfoodsllc.com .

III. Data collections and uses
A. The data we collect
ZonFoods collects personal data:

provided by users to ZonFoods, such as during account creation
created during use of our services, such as location, app usage, and device data
from other sources, such as other users or account owners, business partners, vendors and financial solution providers, and governmental authorities
The following personal data is collected by or on behalf of ZonFoods:

1. Data provided by users. This includes:

User profile: We collect data when users create or update their Uber accounts. This may include their name, email, phone number, login name and password, address, profile picture, payment or banking information
(including related payment verification information), driver’s license and other government identification documents (which may indicate document numbers as well as birth date, gender, and photo). This also includes vehicle or
insurance information of drivers and delivery persons, emergency contact information, user settings, and evidence of health or fitness to provide services using ZonFoods apps.

Background check and identity verification (delivery persons). This may include information such as driver history or criminal record (where permitted by law), license status, known aliases and prior addresses, and right to work.
This information may be collected by an authorized vendor on ZonFoods’s behalf. We also verify the identities of delivery recipients who request alcohol delivery.
Demographic data: We may collect demographic data about users, including through user surveys. In some countries, we may also receive demographic data about users from third parties.

User content: We collect the data submitted by users when they contact ZonFoods customer support, provide ratings or compliments for other users, ZonCookers, ZonGrocers or any others merchants, or otherwise contact ZonFoods. This may
include feedback, photographs or other recordings submitted by users in connection with customer support. This also includes metadata relating to the method you use to communicate with ZonFoods.

2. Data created during use of our services. This includes:

Location data (delivery person): We collect delivery persons’ precise or approximate location data, including to enable deliveries, to enable delivery tracking and safety features, to prevent and detect fraud, and to satisfy legal
requirements. ZonFoods collects this data when the ZonFoods app is running in the foreground (app open and on-screen) or background (app open but not on-screen) of their mobile device.
Location data (delivery recipients). We collect delivery recipients’ precise or approximate location data to enable and enhance use of our apps, including to improve pick-ups, facilitate deliveries, enable safety features, and prevent
and detect fraud.

We collect such data from users’ mobile devices if they enable us to do so. ZonFoods collects such data from the time a delivery is requested until it is finished (and may indicate such collection via an icon or notification on your
mobile device depending on your device’s operating system), and any time the app is running in the foreground (app open and on-screen) of their mobile device.

Delivery recipients may use the ZonFoods apps without enabling Uber to collect precise location data from their mobile devices. However, this may affect features in the  apps. For example, a user who has not enabled location data
collection will have to manually enter their pick-up address.
Transaction information: We collect transaction information related to the use of our services, including the type of services requested or provided, order details, payment transaction information (such as a ZonPartners’s or merchant’s
name and location and amount of transaction), delivery information, date and time the service was provided, amount charged, distance traveled, and payment method. Additionally, if someone uses your promotion code, we may associate your
name with that person.
Usage data: We collect data about how users interact with our services. This includes data such as access dates and times, app features or pages viewed, app crashes and other system activity, and type of browser.
We may also collect data regarding the third-party sites or services used before interacting with our services, which we use for marketing.

In some cases, we collect this data through cookies, pixels, tags, and similar tracking technologies that create and maintain unique identifiers. To learn more about these technologies, please see our Cookie Notice.
Device data: We may collect data about the devices used to access our services, including the hardware models, device IP address or other unique device identifiers, operating systems and versions, software, preferred languages,
advertising identifiers, device motion data, and mobile network data.
Communications data: We enable users to communicate with each other and ZonFoods through ZonFoods’s mobile apps and websites. For example, we enable delivery persons and delivery recipients, to call, text, or send other files to each
other (generally without disclosing their telephone numbers to each other). To provide this service, ZonFoods receives some data regarding the calls, texts, or other communications, including the date and time of the communications and
the content of the communications. ZonFoods may also use this data for customer support services (including to resolve disputes between users), for safety and security purposes, to improve our services and features, and for analytics.

3. Data from other sources. These include:

Users participating in our referral programs. For example, when a user refers to another person, we receive the referred person’s personal data from that user.
ZonFoods account owners who request services for or on behalf of other users, or who enable such users to request or receive services through their accounts. This includes ZonPartners users or others providing information in connection
with claims or disputes.
ZonFoods partners through which users create or access their ZonFoods account, such as payment providers, social media services, or apps or websites that use ZonFoods’s APIs or whose APIs ZonFoods uses.
ZonFoods partners in connection with debit or credit cards issued by a financial institution in partnership with ZonFoods to the extent disclosed in the terms and conditions for the card.

vendors who help us verify users’ identity, background information, and eligibility to work, or who screen users in connection with sanctions, anti-money laundering, or know-your-customer requirements
insurance, vehicle, or financial services providers for  delivery persons.

Publicly available sources
Marketing service providers or data resellers whose data ZonFoods uses for marketing or research
law enforcement officials, public health officials, and other government authorities
ZonFoods may combine the data collected from these sources with other data in its possession.

B. How we use personal data
ZonFoods uses personal data to enable reliable and convenient delivery, and other products and services. We also use such data:

to enhance the safety and security of our users and services
for customer support
for research and development
to enable communications between users
to send marketing and non-marketing communications to users
in connection with legal proceedings
ZonFoods does not  share user personal data with third parties for their direct marketing, except with users’ consent.

We use personal data we collect:

1. To provide our services. ZonFoods uses data to provide, personalize, maintain, and improve our services.

This includes using data to:

create/update accounts
enable delivery services (such as using location data to facilitate a pick up or delivery), features that involve data sharing (such as fare splitting, ETA sharing, and ratings and compliments), and accessibility features to
facilitate use of our services by those with disabilities
process payments
track and share the progress of deliveries
personalize users’ accounts. We may, for example, present an ZonFoods user with personalized food recommendations based on their prior orders.
perform necessary operations to maintain our services, including to troubleshoot software bugs and operational problems; to conduct data analysis, testing, and research; and to monitor and analyze usage and activity trends.
ZonFoods performs the above activities, including the collection and use of location data for purposes of these activities, on the grounds that they are necessary to fulfill our obligations to users under our Terms of Use or
other agreements with users.

2. Safety and security. We use personal data to help maintain the safety, security, and integrity of our services and users. This includes:

verifying users’ identity and eligibility to provide deliveries, including through reviews of background checks, where permitted by law, to help prevent use of our services by unsafe drivers.

We use data from delivery persons’ devices to verify the type of vehicles they used to provide deliveries.
using device, location, user profile, usage, and other data to prevent, detect, and combat fraud. This includes identifying fraudulent accounts or uses of our services, preventing use of our services by unauthorized delivery persons,
verifying user identities in connection with certain payment methods, and preventing and combating unauthorized access to users’ accounts.
using user ratings, reported incidents, and other feedback to encourage compliance with our Community Guidelines and as grounds for deactivating users with low ratings or who otherwise violated such guidelines in certain states.
sharing information regarding serious delivery person safety incidents or compliance with local regulations with third parties, including other companies who enable users to request or provide delivery services, or intermediaries who
collect and report such information for multiple companies, to prevent delivery persons who may pose a safety risk to the platform or its users from using ZonFoods’s or those other companies’ services. We may also share with third
parties, including those affected by such incidents, whether the incidents result in account deactivation.
ZonFoods performs the above activities on the grounds that they are necessary to fulfill our obligations to users under our Terms of Use or other agreements with users, and/or for purposes of the legitimate safety and security
interests of ZonFoods or other parties, including users and members of the general public.

3. Customer support.
ZonFoods uses the information we collect (which may include call recordings) to provide customer support, including to investigate and address user concerns and to monitor and improve our customer support
responses and processes.

ZonFoods performs the above activities on the grounds that they are necessary to fulfill our obligations to users under our Terms of Use or other agreements with users.

4. Research and development.
We may use personal data for testing, research, analysis, product development, and machine learning to improve the user experience. This helps us make our services more convenient and easy-to-use, enhance the safety and security of
our services, and develop new services and features.

ZonFoods performs the above activities on the grounds that they are necessary to fulfil our obligations to users under our Terms of Use or other agreements with users in improving our existing services and features, or for purposes of
ZonFoods’s legitimate interests developing new services and features.

5. Enabling communications between users.
For example, a delivery person may call or text a delivery recipient with information about their order.

ZonFoods performs the above activities on the grounds that they are necessary to fulfill our obligations to users under our Terms of Use or other agreements with users.

6. Marketing.
ZonFoods may use personal data to market our services to our users. This includes sending users communications about ZonFoods services, features, promotions, sweepstakes, studies, surveys, news, updates, and events. We may do so
through various methods, including email, text messages, push notifications, in app communications and ads, and ads on third party platforms.

We may also inform users about products and services offered by ZonFoods partners. For example, we may provide recommendations, promotions, or ads for ZonFoods partners based on users’ past delivery orders.
Although we inform users about products and services offered by ZonFoods partners, we do not share users’ personal data to others for purposes of their own direct marketing or advertising, except with users’ consent.

We may use the data we collect, including in combination with advertising partners’ data, to personalize and improve the marketing communications (including ads) that we send on and off ZonFoods’s apps and websites, including based on
user location, use of ZonFoods’s services, and user preferences and settings. For example, we share user data (such as hashed email address, usage information, and device or user identifiers) with Facebook and TikTok to personalize and
improve our ads for ZonFoods’s services.

ZonFoods performs the above activities on the grounds that they are necessary for purposes of ZonFoods’s legitimate interests in informing users about ZonFoods services and features or those offered by ZonFoods partners, or on the
basis of user consent.

7. Non-marketing communications.
ZonFoods may use personal data to generate and provide users with receipts; inform them of changes to our terms, services, or policies; or send other communications that aren’t for the purpose of
marketing the services or products of ZonFoods or its partners.

ZonFoods performs the above activities on the grounds that they are necessary to fulfill our obligations to users under our Terms of Use or other agreements with users, or for purposes of ZonFoods’s and it’s users legitimate interests
in informing users about events that may have an impact on how they can use ZonFoods services.

8. Legal proceedings and requirements.
We may use personal data to investigate or address claims or disputes relating to use of ZonFoods’s services, to satisfy requirements under applicable laws, regulations, or operating licenses or agreements, or pursuant to legal process
or governmental request, including from law enforcement.

ZonFoods performs the above activities on the grounds that they are necessary for purposes of ZonFoods’s legitimate interests in investigating and responding to claims and disputes relating to use of ZonFoods’s services and features,
and/or necessary for compliance with applicable legal requirements.

9. Automated decision-making

We use personal data to make automated decisions relating to use of our services. This includes:

enabling dynamic pricing, in which the price of  the delivery fee for ZonFoods orders, is determined based on constantly varying factors such as the estimated time and distance.
matching available delivery persons to users requesting services. Users can be matched based on availability, proximity, and other factors.
determining user ratings, and deactivating users with low ratings.
flagging users who are identified as having engaged in fraud, unsafe activity, or other activities that may harm ZonFoods, its users, and others. In some cases, such as when a user is determined to be abusing ZonFoods’s referral
program or has submitted fraudulent documents, such behavior may result in automatic deactivation.

ZonFoods performs the above activities on the grounds that they are necessary to fulfill our obligations to users under our Terms of Use or other agreements with users, or on the grounds that they are necessary for purposes of
the legitimate interests of ZonFoods, its users and others.

C. Cookies and third-party technologies
ZonFoods and its partners use cookies and other identification technologies on our apps, websites, emails, and online ads for purposes described in this notice, and ZonFoods’s Cookie Notice.

Cookies are small text files that are stored on browsers or devices by websites, apps, online media, and advertisements. ZonFoods uses cookies and similar technologies for purposes such as:

authenticating users
remembering user preferences and settings
determining the popularity of content
delivering and measuring the effectiveness of advertising campaigns
analyzing site traffic and trends, and generally understanding the online behaviors and interests of people who interact with our services
We may also allow others to provide audience measurement and analytics services for us, to serve advertisements on our behalf across the Internet, and to track and report on the performance of those advertisements. These entities may
use cookies, web beacons, SDKs, and other technologies to identify the devices used by visitors to our websites, as well as when they visit other online sites and services.

Please see our Cookie Notice for more information regarding the use of cookies and other technologies described in this section.

D. Data sharing and disclosure
Some of ZonFoods’s services and features require that we share personal data with other users or at a user’s request. We may also share such data with our affiliates, subsidiaries, and partners, for legal reasons or in connection with
claims or disputes.

ZonFoods may share personal data:

1. With other users

This includes sharing:

Delivery recipients’ first name, delivery address, and order information with their delivery person and ZonFoods partners or merchant. We may also share ratings and feedback, or other information to the extent required by law, with
ZonFoods partners and delivery person.
For delivery persons, we may share data with the delivery recipient(s) and ZonPartners or merchants, including name and photo;location ; average rating provided by users; total number of deliveries; period of time since they signed up
to be a delivery person; contact information (if permitted by applicable laws); and delivery person profile, including compliments and other feedback submitted by past users.

We also provide delivery recipients with receipts containing information such as a breakdown of amounts charged, delivery person first name, photo, and route map. We also include other information on those receipts if required by law.
for those who participate in ZonFoods’s referral program, we share certain personal data of referred users to determining the referral bonus.

2. At the user’s request

This includes sharing data with:

ZonFoods partners. For example, if a user requests a service through a partnership or promotional offering made by a third party, ZonFoods may share certain data with those third parties. This may include, for example, other services,
platforms, apps, or websites that integrate with our APIs; vehicle suppliers or services; those with an API or service with which we integrate; or restaurants, merchants or other ZonFoods partners and their users in connection with
promotions, contests, or specialized services.

3. With the general public

Questions or comments from users submitted through public forums such as ZonFoods blogs and ZonFoods social media pages may be viewable by the public, including any personal data included in the questions or comments submitted by a

4. With the ZonFoods account owner

If a user places an order using an account owned by another party, we may share their order or trip information, including location data, with the owner of that account. This occurs, for example, when:

a  delivery person uses an account owned by or associated with an ZonPartner
a delivery person acts as a substitute

5. With ZonFoods subsidiaries and affiliates

We share personal data with our subsidiaries and affiliates to help us provide our services or conduct data processing on our behalf. For example, ZonFoods processes and stores such data in the United States on behalf of its
international subsidiaries and affiliates.

6. With ZonFoods service providers and  partners

ZonFoods provides personal data to vendors, consultants, marketing partners, research firms, and other service providers or  partners. These include:

payment processors and facilitators
background check and identity verification providers
cloud storage providers
Google, in connection with the use of Google Maps in ZonFoods’s apps (see Google’s privacy policy for information on their collection and use of data)
social media companies, including Facebook and TikTok, in connection with ZonFoods’s use of their tools in ZonFoods’s apps and websites (see Facebook’s and TikTok’s privacy policies for information on their collection and use of data)
Marketing partners and marketing platform providers, including social media advertising services, advertising networks, third-party data providers, and other service providers to reach or better understand our users and measure
advertising effectiveness
research partners, including those performing surveys or research projects in partnership with ZonFoods or on ZonFoods’s behalf
vendors that assist ZonFoods to enhance the safety and security of its apps
consultants, lawyers, accountants, and other professional service providers
insurance and financing partners
zoncookers, zonGrocers and other merchants from whom delivery recipients place orders, as well as partners and/or their point of sale providers, including for order fulfillment, delivery, communications and marketing purposes
third-party vehicle suppliers.

7. For legal reasons or in the event of a dispute

ZonFoods may share users’ personal data if we believe it’s required by applicable law, regulation, operating license or agreement, legal process or governmental request, or where the disclosure is otherwise appropriate due to safety
or similar concerns.

This includes sharing personal data with law enforcement officials, public health officials, other government authorities, or other third parties as necessary to enforce our Terms of Service, user agreements, or other policies; to
protect ZonFoods’s rights or property or the rights, safety, or property of others; or in the event of a claim or dispute relating to the use of our services. In the event of a dispute relating to use of another person’s credit card,
we may be required by law to share your personal data, including  order information, with the owner of that credit card.

This also includes sharing personal data with others in connection with, or during negotiations of, any merger, sale of company assets, consolidation or restructuring, financing, or acquisition of all or a portion of our business by
or into another company.

8. With consent

ZonFoods may share a user’s personal data other than as described in this notice if we notify the user and they consent to the sharing.

E. Data retention and deletion
ZonFoods retains user data for as long as necessary for the purposes described above.

Users may request deletion of their accounts at any time. ZonFoods may retain user data after a deletion request due to legal or regulatory requirements or for reasons stated in this policy.

ZonFoods retains user data for as long as necessary for the purposes described above. This means that we retain different categories of data for different periods of time depending on the type of data, the category of user to whom the
data relates, and the purposes for which we collected the data.

Users may request deletion of their account at any time through the Settings > Privacy menus in the ZonFoods app, or through ZonFoods’s website.

Following an account deletion request, ZonFoods deletes the user’s account and data, unless they must be retained due to legal or regulatory requirements, for purposes of safety, security, and fraud prevention, or because of an issue
relating to the user’s account such as an outstanding credit or an unresolved claim or dispute. Because we are subject to legal and regulatory requirements relating to delivery persons, this generally means that we retain their account
and data for a minimum of 7 years after a deletion request. For delivery recipients, their data is generally deleted within 90 days of a deletion request, except where retention is necessary for the above reasons.

IV. Choice and transparency
ZonFoods enables users to access and/or control data that Uber collects, including through:

privacy settings
device permissions
in-app ratings pages
marketing choices
ZonFoods also enables users to request access to or copies of their data, changes or updates to their accounts, or deletion of their accounts, or that ZonFoods restricts its processing of user personal data.

1. Privacy settings

The Settings > Privacy menu in the ZonFoods app allows riders and delivery recipients to set or update their preferences regarding location data collection and sharing, emergency data sharing, and notifications.

Location data collection (delivery recipients)
Delivery recipients can enable/disable ZonFoods to collect location data from their mobile devices through their device settings, which can be accessed via the Settings > Privacy > Location menu.

Delivery persons can also enable/disable Emergency Data Sharing via the App settings > Emergency Data Sharing menu, or the Safety Toolkit.

Notifications: discounts and news
Users may enable ZonFoods to send push notifications about discounts and news from ZonFoods and others. Push notifications may be enabled or disabled through the Settings > Privacy menus in the ZonFoods app.

Communications from ZonPartners and merchants
Users may opt-in to receive communications from certain ZonPartners while placing an order in the ZonFoods app. Those who opt-in may choose to cease receiving such communications through the Settings > Account > Data Sharing menus in
the ZonFoods app.

2. Device permissions

Most mobile device platforms (iOS, Android, etc.) have defined certain types of device data that apps cannot access without the device owner’s permission, and these platforms have different methods for how that permission can be
obtained. Please check the available settings on your device or check with your provider.

3. In-app ratings pages

Delivery persons may be rated by delivery recipients, all ZonPartners and merchants.

4. Marketing choices

Users may opt out of certain marketing communications (including ads) and use of their data for marketing in the following ways:

Ad settings: These settings enable users to choose whether their data is shared with ZonFoods’s advertising partners to deliver personalized ads, and/or to measure the effectiveness of such ads.
Marketing emails and messages: To opt out of receiving marketing emails from ZonFoods, or for instructions on how to set your preferences regarding whether to receive marketing SMS or push notifications from ZonFoods,contact us.
Users may also opt out of receiving emails and other messages from ZonFoods by following the unsubscribe instructions in those messages. We may still send users who have opted out non-promotional communications, such as receipts  or
information about their account.
Cookies and related technologies: For information on how to opt out of personalized ads using cookies and related technologies, please see our Cookie Notice.
ZonFoods ads: users can opt out of certain personalized ads from ZonFoods’s advertising partners. Users who opt out may still see ads, but they will be less relevant.

5. User personal data requests

ZonFoods provides users with a variety of ways to learn about, control, and submit questions and comments about ZonFoods’s handling of their personal data.

Accessing data: Users can access data including their profile data and  order history through the ZonFoods apps or via ZonFoods’s website. Users can also use our Explore Your Data feature to view an online summary of information about
their account, such as number of orders, rating, rewards status, and number of days since they’ve been an ZonFoods user. Users can also request access to their data by contacting us via email data_management@zonfoodsllc.com
Receiving data: Users can also request a copy of their data by contacting us via email data_management@zonfoodsllc.com.
Changing or updating data: Users can edit the name, phone number, email address, payment method, and photo associated with their account through the Settings menu in ZonFoods’s apps or driver portal. Users may also request to update or
correct their data by contacting us via email data_management@zonfoodsllc.com
Deleting data: Users may request deletion of their account at any time through the Settings > Privacy menus in the ZonFoods app, or through ZonFoods’s website.
Objections, restrictions, and complaints: Users may request that we stop using all or some of their personal data, or that we limit our use of their data. This includes objecting to our use of personal data that is based on ZonFoods’s
legitimate interests. ZonFoods may continue to process data after such objection or request to the extent required or permitted by law.

In addition, depending on their location, users may have the right to file a complaint relating to ZonFoods’s handling of their personal data with the data protection authority in their state.

V. Updates to this notice

We may occasionally update this notice. If we make significant changes, we will notify users in advance of the changes through the ZonFoods apps or through other means, such as email. We encourage users to periodically review this
notice for the latest information on our privacy practices.

Use of our services after an update constitutes consent to the updated notice to the extent permitted by law.